A Journey of Faith

Sunday, October 30, 2011

HUGE snowstorm... in October

So last night, with the last of October fading away, we got (are you ready for this...) 22 inches of snow. Cold, wet, heavy, white (did I mention cold?) snow. And our power went out. Around 11 or 12 last night. and is still out (thank goodness for my hubby's handiness, and a handed down generator, at least we have lights and internet, but no heat. Thanks to our well insulated walls it is still around 60 degrees inside). PSNH's recording says it may be days, or as much as a week, before it is back on. Thank Heaven for my dear friend down the road who has power and graciously welcomed me and three of the kids to come down, warm up, me to shower, and cook our dinner. Oh, and I got filled up on cuteness by her awesome kids who are always full of fun stories and hugs. Now I am sitting in my bed, bundled up, with my warm comfy comforter, a full belly of warm tasty food, clean, and feeling fully and completely blessed. Funny how GOD can take a day that started out fairly miserable (did I mention snow is cold and wet. And cold... sorry, I have been shivery today) and turn it into a reminder of how many things I have to be thankful for. I didn't get to go to church today, but I did complete most of the weeks work in the Bible study I am doing, and I can go to church Wednesday. I couldn't do any dishes, laundry, vacuuming, or ironing; but maybe GOD was making sure I got that much needed day of rest that is too often so allusive. Our cable is out, so I can't surf the channels, but my oldest is sitting next to me and we are watching The Spy Next Door (I keep listening to the scene where Jackie Chan is singing in Chinese and trying to see if I recognize any of the words. No luck yet...)Tomorrow we may still have no power, but there will be fewer distractions that way, and we can focus on getting as much schoolwork done as we can and maybe play a game in the afternoon. Maybe if I am really lucky most of the snow will melt in the next few days. Or maybe I'll have to choose to find some joy in the snow. Hmmm. Maybe I'm not quite ready for that yet...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Psalm 100

A Psalm of Thanksgiving

Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands!
Serve the LORD with gladness;
Come before HIS presence with singing.
Know that the LORD, HE is GOD;
It is HE who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are HIS people and the sheep of HIS pasture.

Enter HIS gates with thanksgiving,
and into HIS courts with praise.
Be thankful to HIM and bless HIS name.
For the LORD is good;
HIS mercy is everlasting,
And HIS truth endures to all generations.

I love this psalm, partly because although I can't sing on key I love to sing. And I especially love to sing hymns and praise and worship music. But do I always enter HIS courts with praise and thanksgiving? How many Sundays have we rolled into the parking lot and all I am thinking is, 'oh man, we are late... grrrr'. Do I thank HIM for my family seated in the car with me? Do I thank HIM that we arrived safely, even if we are later than I would like (which admitedly is not really late at all, just not as early as I would like)? Do I thank HIM that I am even able to attend a worship service in the first place, with my whole family? How many people can't physically get themselves to church? How many have family who can't, or won't attend with them? I often think of one of my greatest joys. In our church the choir sits behind the pulpit and from there I can see the congregation. Since I often play cds with hymn music, my kids are pretty familiar with quite a few hymns. Few things bring me more joy than to watch my oldest son singing with all his heart to one of his favorite hymns (like his mom he has many!). My greatest prayer is that my kids grow up knowing the LORD, and putting their trust in HIM. What a blessing!

My prayer for today:

LORD, thank YOU for all the blessings you have given me. Thank YOU for friends and family, for health and safety. Thank YOU for the opportunity to be with my kids and raise them to know and love YOU. Thank YOU for the little joys that are there, if I will only take a moment to notice them. Mostly, thank YOU for Your Son, and the hope that we have because of HIM. In JESUS' name I pray. Amen

What I am thankful for

Ok, first post...here we go :)

1. I am thankful for a GOD who holds me up, even when I can't hold myself up.
2. I am thankful for a husband who works hard (and has a job to work at) to support us, who is loving and caring and a funny, smart, gentle, godly man.
3. I am thankful that my four kids are healthy, smart and funny, and that they are here to bless me everyday.
4. I am thankful for friends who care, who notice when I am having a bad day and not only ask if I'm ok, but take time out of their day to follow up if I'm not, who are there with a helpful word, a Bible verse, a funny story, or just to play a game of cards. I am so thankful that GOD has put some wonderful, godly women in my life who lift me up, and are always there for me (THANK you ladies :))
5. I am thankful that I have friends and family (mine and hubby's), that love me and are generous with their time and energy. I am thankful that with all the family we have, there is such a range of talents and knowledge that if there is anything I need to know... there is likely someone who can answer my questions.
6. I am thankful that I am physically able to do the things I need to do to keep my house a home.
7. I am thankful that I live in a time and place where I can profess my faith and not fear for my life.
8. I am thankful for a church that feels like home, with fellow worshipers that feel like family.
9. I am thankful for the ability to homeschool my kids, to watch them learn and grow, and to learn and grow with them.
10. I am most of all thankful for my Savior, JESUS, as my kids say at prayer time... "JESUS, You rock!!!"

Ok... your turn! What are you thankful for? What brings you joy? Can you think of 10?


Welcome to my blog. I have been thinking of doing a blog for a while, and decided to just go for it. I chose the title 'Choosing JOY' after talking to one of my favorite people this morning (hi Brandy). We were talking about how joy doesn't just always happen, sometimes, it is a choice we have to make. My goal is to blog about the little joys that are in my life (and some not so little ones), not only to provide entertainment for some poor unfortunate souls who find themselves with nothing to do but read my thoughts :), but to remind myself that even when the days are so full of 'to dos', I have so much to be thankful for . I hope that reading this site brightens your day, even if only for a minute.

GOD Bless!!!

ps... I should explain why the address to this blog is 'duckyblessings'. I have called my kids the 'baby ducks' for years. Once when my three oldest were 7, 4, and 2 they weren't following me home from the neighbors, so I told them how baby ducks follow the mama duck when she quacks, then proceded to waddle and quack (the fact that I was pregnant with number four helped the waddle look more authentic) and they all fell into line and followed me home!