Saturday, March 31, 2012
Palm Sunday and uncharted territory
LORD, thank You for sending Your Son, for sending HIM to lead us where we never dreamed we could go. Please give us the courage to follow HIM wherever HE leads us. In His glorious name, Amen.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
El Shaddai
El Shaddai, el shaddai El-elyon na adonia
Age to age you're still the same
By the power of the name
El shaddai, el shaddai Erkamka na adonai
I will praise and lift you high El shaddai
Through your love and through the ram
You saved the son of Abraham
Through the power of your hand
You turned the sea into dry land
To the outcast on her knees
You were the God who really sees
And by your might You set your children free
El shaddai, el shaddai El-elyon na adonia
Age to age you're still the same
By the power of the name
El shaddai, el shaddai Erkamka na adonai
I will praise and lift you high,
El Shaddai
Through the years you've made it clear
That the time of Christ was near
Though the people couldn't see
What Messiah ought to be
Though Your word contained a plan
They just could not understand that
Your most awesome work was done
Through the frailty of your son
El Shaddai, El Shaddai El elyon na Adonia
Age to age you're still the same
by the power of the name
El Shaddai, El Shaddai Erkamka na Adonai
I will praise you til I die,
El Shaddai
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Life Song
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Friends and pastors
So today, say a prayer for your pastor. And tomorrow, and the day after, and every day. Pray that they will feel GOD's peace, and strength, and comfort. That they will feel the Holy Spirit and respond to GOD's prompting. And that they will know true friendship and all the blessings that come with it. And do something to show them how much you appreciate them.
LORD, I pray that our pastor, and all pastors, will know how much they are appreciated, and loved, and respected. I pray that they will be blessed by us as much as we are blessed by them. Thank you for their godly influence in our churches and in our lives. In JESUS' name, Amen.
"Jesus looked at him and LOVED him"
18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.”
20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”
21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.
This was the reading at church today. As I listened to it, I was struck by the order of events. Notice... the man asks JESUS a question about obtaining eternal life, JESUS reminds him of the commandments, and when the man declares that he has in fact followed them, JESUS looks at him and loves him. HE doesn't point out that this man has in fact fallen short. HE doesn't wait to see if the man will follow HIS next set of directions. HE simply loves him. HE looks at him and sees someone who HE loves. Even though the man has fallen, even though he may not recongize that he has fallen, even thought JESUS likely not only knows if and when the man will fall again, but whether or not he will choose to follow HIM, it doesn't matter, JESUS loves him. How many of us can honestly say that we look at those in our lives and simply love them? How many of us look at those around us and mentally list the ways they have disappointed us, or what they can offer to us and how they can or do bless our lives? I know I am too often selfish in my relationships with others. There is that person who doesn't often have a kind word- do I avoid them, or do I love them? What about that one who treats a friend of mine so very poorly that it makes my blood boil- do I confront them, or do I love them? Or the grumpy person who makes me uncomfortable- do I grumble back, or do I love them? JESUS loved. HE loved the tax collector, and the thieves, and the women of ill repute. HE loved them whether they 'looked' like they deserved it or not, and they felt it. HIS love changed their lives, and changed the world. Where would the world be if Saul had not been loved by JESUS? Where would we be if JESUS had not looked past what Saul was doing and seen who he was? A child of GOD with the potential to rock the faith world with the spreading of the word of GOD. Where would the world be if HE hadn't called Zaccheus down from the tree, or 'drawn a line in the sand' when defending the adulterous woman, or sent out HIS power to the woman suffering, or cast the demons from the man possesed, or healed the daughter of Jairus, or brought Lazarus back from the dead; the list goes on. HE changed their lives with HIS love, and because their lives were changed, the world was changed. Who will we affect with our love, if we just look at who someone is, not what they are doing? What change will come in the world because we look at them and love them, showing them the love of our GOD?
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Happy Weather
LORD, thank You for the beauty of this season, with it's new life and promise. Thank You for the fresh, warm air, and the flowers and the sound of birds and 'peepers' serenading us. Thank You for bringing us thru the cold drearyness of winter to marvel again at the wonders of Your creation. In JESUS' name, Amen
Friday, March 16, 2012
Funeral thoughts
As I sat there in the church, I wondered, whose memory of me is colored by a disagreement we've had? Who would remember me, if I died today, as one who thought poorly of them because of opposing beliefs? Would the people I love know that I loved them despite a difference of opinion? Would they know that I cherished them simply because they are a child of GOD? I pray that I will get better at treating others in my life with love and respect, regardless of how I feel about their choices. And I will try harder to stop letting what I think others think of me color my memories of them.
RIP VMR July 1922-March 11, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Sibling stuff
Spring is here! The warm weather is upon us, and has drawn all of my kids out to play (while Mom was attempting a quick nap). Following is the conversation that I heard thru the open window:
(ducklings 1 and 3 were attempting to hide a huge, very cool rock from duckling 2)
duckling 1 "go away"
duckling 2 "what are you doing?"
duckling 1 "go away!!" (louder)
duckling 2 "but we want to play with you"
duckling 1 "go away or we'll chase you" (followed by the sound of running feet... bare feet mind you)
duckling 2 "yeah!! we're playing" (followed by more running and lots of laughter)
I love spring :)
Friday, March 9, 2012
A Strange Thing...
So tell someone today (and every day) that you appreciate them, and that they are important to you!! GOD Bless :)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Romans 5:3-5
Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perserverance; perserverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because GOD has poured out HIS love into our hearts by the HOLY SPIRIT, which HE has given us." Romans 5:3-5
This makes me think of a math curriculum I looked at for the kids once. It used a 'spiral' aproach to teaching and mastering math skills. The child would learn an new skill, practice it, then learn a new skill while still practicing the first. New skills would keep being added while still practicing the previous ones.
I think sometimes we forget that our faith is not a straight journey, but more of an ever-climbing spiral towards GOD. We want to believe, and experience, that once we have done the suffering, we move onto perserverance. And because we have 'done' perserverance, we now have character. And if we now have character, we get hope-like it's the grand prize in the race we have just completed. We imagine that along this race our suffering has disappeared, fallen off like a discarded sweater on a warm day. We want to have no more pain, or worries or fears-after all, we have completed the equation right? But it isn't that easy. There is a lot of suffering in this sinful world. Each time we experience it we have to make a choice. Do we cower in fear, wallow in our misery, see our suffering as divine confirmation that we are unworthy of healing? Or do we grab ahold of the peace and grace and strength HE has freely and lovingly given us? It is so easy to see suffering, especially prolonged suffering, as unfair and unnecessary. We pray for healing that doesn't come, at least not in our timing, and think GOD has forgotten us, that surely HE has better things to do than listen to our whining. But HE says we are HIS precious, beloved children, and each one of us is important enough to HIM that HE even knows how many hairs are on our heads. I love my kids more than life, and I don't know how many hairs are on their heads. Goodness, I can't even keep up with how many foods they like!
The Bible says that 'all things work for good for those who love the LORD and are called according to HIS purpose.' Surely this goes for suffering too. Surely the GOD who created the Heavens and the Earth with HIS voice can work even our suffering for HIS good.
I think when we forget about, or can't see, GOD's providence, it is easy to become restless. It's easy to get sucked into thinking that we are doing something wrong and missing out on HIS will somehow. It's easy to fall for the lies of the enemy and believe that we are unloved, unworthy, even unsaved. But GOD says that we are sealed by HIS Holy Spirit, and that we are engraved on the palms of HIS hands, and that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. We are HIS.
Small Things
“The fruit of silence is prayer,
The fruit of prayer is faith,
The fruit of faith is love,
The fruit of love is service,
The fruit of service is peace.” – Mother Teresa
I love it when I find something like this, that perfectly 'speaks' to me. That Mother Teresa, I can't wait to meet her in Heaven. What a woman. I read something the other day about her, that she served others tirelessly because, to her, she wasn't serving people, she was serving Jesus. That the leper whose wounds she was bandaging, or the poor one she was feeding, or the dying child she was cradling; they weren't a leper or a poor one or a child at all, they were her Savior in the flesh, and she was serving HIM. I believe it was also her that said "we cannot do great things, but we can do small things with great love." Isn't that what being a Christian is all about? Loving each other, caring for each other, serving each other as if we were serving our Lord and Savior?
I have spent a lot of time reading a blog I found lately. It's called Momastery ( ), and the lady who writes it has a great sense of humor, and a deep faith. She wrote something that makes so much sense, yet is so simple that I wondered why it never occured to me before. She said that the way to get to know a mom is to care about her children and treat them well, and that it was the same with GOD. The way to know HIM, and draw closer to HIM is to care about and for HIS children, and treat them well. Do small things with great love. Because we are all in this together, and we are all HIS.
Precious GOD, help us to see beyond ourselves and see thru Your eyes. Help us to do small things with Your great love. Help us to remember that our way to You is thru love, and faith and service to Your children. In Jesus' name. Amen