A Journey of Faith

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Psalm 62:5-7

Find rest, O my soul, in GOD alone; my hope comes from HIM. HE alone is my rock and my salvation; HE is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on GOD; HE is my mighty rock, my refuge. Psalm 62:5-7

I was going thru my bible case and found a postcard with this verse on it. What a comfort! GOD has blessed me with many good, godly friends who love and support me. I am so thankful that HE has blessed me with their presence in my life. But someday, they may not be there. I look at my grandmothers, my grandfathers have both passed on, many of their peers have too. In a few short decades, it could be me mourning the passing of much of my support system. But GOD will still be there. HE will still be there, holding onto me, and loving me, and being the rock I can stand on. I've seen so many people pass on; old, young, many who went so much sooner than anyone thought they should have. I don't know how someone can get thru the mourning of someone who died 'before their time' without the assurance of GOD's grace and heaven. When I think of those who have gone before me, children, young mothers and fathers, at least I can rest in the knowledge that, although it is terribly painful for those left here, they are at peace. They are more than at peace, they are singing with the angels. They are looking into the beautiful face of their Savior. Wow. What a joy to have that reassurance, that rest, that hope!

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