A Journey of Faith

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Another trip out of my 'zone'

Only four days until Sunday. I am filling in for Pastor, doing the service on my own this time. The worship leader will do a lot of the reading (prayers and such), but I am doing the sermon and the children's sermon and that kind of stuff. I am surprised to find that I am nervous, but not panicky. I am not feeling freaked out, just nervous and a little excited. I was going to have a friend help, do the joys and concerns and the benediction, but I decided to see if I could do it. Well, I know I can do it, GOD will give me the courage to do it. I really want to see if it is something that feels right. (Does that make sense?) I don't know that the sermon is anything spectacular, but it is from my heart. I don't know that anyone's life will be changed, or if anyone's heart will be moved. But I will give it my best, and serve my GOD with joy!

So.... keep me in prayer! For strength, calm, courage, and a clear mind. And that I will listen to the HOLY SPIRIT!

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