A Journey of Faith

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


My step sister sent me this poem. I don't know who wrote it, so I can't give them credit, but it was too lovely not to share :)

If you look for Me at Christmas

you won't need a special star-
I'm no longer just in Bethlehem,
I'm right there where you are.
You may not be aware of Me
amid the celebrations-
You'll have to look beyond the stores
and all the decorations.
But if you take a moment
from your list of things to do
and listen to your heart, you'll find
I'm waiting there for you.
You're the one I want to be with,
you're the reason that I came,
And you'll find Me in the stillness
as I'm whispering your name.

Love, Jesus

Christmas isn't about gifts, or trees, or tinsel, or cards. It's about celebrating the best gift ever given. It's about being still and listening for that sweet whisper to your heart that tells you that the creator of the universe loves YOU, came for YOU, and died for YOU. It's about finding the peace in a tiny, fragile baby boy who carries the world on HIS shoulders. It's about knowing that amidst all the trappings of the season lies a child in a manger who wants nothing more than to spend eternity with YOU. I saw a bumper sticker once that said, simply, Wise men still seek HIM. well said :)

1 comment:

blcollette said...

I so need that bumper sticker!