Here is another song by Casting Crowns (lyrics from and the link to the video It is another of my favorites.
Somewhere between the hot and the cold Somewhere between the new and the old Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be Somewhere in the middle you'll find me Somewhere between the wrong and the right Somewhere between the darkness and the light Somewhere between who I was and who you're making me Somewhere in the middle you'll find me Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender 'Cause I'm losing all control Fearless warriors in a picket fence Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense Deep-water faith in the shallow land We are caught in the middle With eyes wide open to the differences The God we want and the God who is But will we trade our dreams for His Or are we caught in the middle? Are we caught in the middle? Somewhere between my heart and my hands Somewhere between my faith and my plans Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves Somewhere between a whisper and the Lord Somewhere between the altar and the door Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more Somewhere in the middle you'll find me Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender 'Cause I'm losing all control Fearless warriors in a picket fence Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense Deep-water faith in the shallow end We are caught in the middle With eyes wide open to the differences The God we want and the God who is But will we trade our dreams for His Or are we caught in the middle? Fearless warriors in a picket fence Reckless abandon wrapped in common sense Deep-water faith in the shallow land We are caught in the middle With eyes wide open to the differences The God we want and the God who is But will we trade our dreams for His Or are we caught in the middle? Are we caught in the middle? Lord, I feel You in this place And I know You're by my side Loving me even on these nights When I am caught in the the middle Caught in the middle
I am finding myself caught in the middle. Just as in the song, I am somewhere between HIS will for me and mine. My will is to be comfortable, serving HIM, but doing it comfortably. HIS will is that I would stretch myself, get out of the comfortable and trust in HIM, growing in my faith. HE wants to challenge me, change me. I want to stay in my safe 'box' where I know what to expect and go about my merry way, singing my hymns and thinking that is enough, after all, I'm worshiping HIM... I love HIM!! The thing is, do we want a GOD who is content to leave us where we are? Broken and fearful and doubtful? Or do we want a GOD who will take us through the fire of life, allowing it to purify and shape us into an image of HIM, so that when the world sees us, it sees HIS love, and HIS strength, and HIS mercy, and HIS grace? We can't truely become new creations in CHRIST if we aren't willing to allow HIM to work in us and change our hearts. It is scary, and painful, and definately not easy. I have always been the kind of person who worries. Worry about whether I will do things right, worry about whether I will upset or offend or annoy someone. Satan sees that and uses it (or tries to) to his advantage. 'Hmmm, working on getting out of your box huh? well, maybe you shouldn't, maybe you won't, maybe you can't, did you think about that? Maybe you are being a whiner, a wimp, maybe you are demanding too much of those around you who are trying to help you do this. maybe.maybe.maybe.' Well, the Bible says that I can do all things through CHRIST who gives me strength, so what am I worried about? That I will fail HIM? I can't, if I trust HIM. HE doesn't expect me to be perfect, or to change the whole world. HE expects me to follow where HE leads me, and do everything I do for HIS glory.
LORD, please pull me out of the middle. I want to serve YOU, help me do that without fear or worry or doubt. Help me see that YOU will not let me fall, YOU will not let me succumb to the trap Satan has laid for me. Make in me a new creation LORD. Help me to remember that YOU are holding onto me and will Never let go! In JESUS' name, Amen.
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