The Crossing
By Lee Webber
I came to the swift, raging river,
And the roar held the echo of fear,
Oh LORD, give me wings to fly over,
If YOU are, as YOU promised quite near.
But HE said, trust the grace I am giving,
All-pervasive, sufficient for you,
Take My hand-we will face this together.
For My plan is not over, but through.
We want wings. We want GOD to make everything better with a snap of HIS mighty fingers. We want HIM to give us cushy, easy lives with not a care in the world. We are spoiled. I am spoiled. I want HIM to make all my days bright and sunshiny, with everything going the way I want it to. HE doesn't. I want HIM to never let me feel blue or frustrated or overwhelmed. HE doesn't. I want HIM to help me get to where HE wants me without any struggles along the way. HE doesn't. The real struggle is finding and accepting the strength HE offers us. And letting go of the pride that keeps us trying to keep our heads afloat in that swift raging river alone.
LORD, please give all Your children the humility and strength to cross that raging river with YOU. Please help us to recognize that all we really need is Your grace, and that that river will cleanse us of the things we don't need to be your humble, faithful servants. In JESUS' name. Amen
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