I got new music!! I have been learning to play some hymns on the piano and last night the music teacher gave me two new songs!! I am now learning to play Amazing Grace and Crown HIM With Many Crowns. The last one is a challenge, but I can't wait to practice it. This will make eight hymns I can play. Our music teacher is great, she gives me the chords, shows me what to do if there is anything new, and lets me work it out. I love practicing, it is relaxing and I find that if I am feeling stressed, it helps me get back on track. Maybe it's that there is a fair amount of instant gratification... as long as I push the correct keys, it sounds like music! Maybe one day I'll take actual lessons for real, but for now I'm learning to play some of my favorite music, and it is most definately a very joyul noise!!!!
LORD, thank YOU for music! Thank YOU for our music teacher who is so willing to help me learn how to play for YOU, and for all the wonderful music available to praise YOU with. Thank YOU for the time and abiltiy to worship YOU thru music. I love YOU!! In JESUS' name, Amen.
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