A Journey of Faith

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fear NOT

We have another favorite singer, Ginny Owens. I love this song by her called "I Am". It's good to be reminded that some of the people that GOD used to do huge things were terrified, and rightly so. Here are the lyrics, compliments of http://www.christianlyrics.com/ (and the link to the video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPehO_c1NtE&feature=related&noredirect=1 )

No Lord, he said, you've got the wrong guy.Simple conversation gets me tongue-tied.And you're telling me to speak with a maniac king.or could it be I've lost my mind?And besides, I am weak, don't you want someone strong,To lead them out of Egypt when they've been there so long?And anyway, they won't believe You ever spoke to me.It's not your problem, God replied. And the rest is history.
There's a bigger picture you can't see.You don't have to change the world, just trust in me.'Cause I am your creator, I am working out my plan,And through you I will show them, I Am.
Now Lord, are you sure? He's just a shepherd boy,Too small for battle gear with a giant to destroy.What on earth can he do with five stones and a sling?It's not your problem, God replied.'Cause I can do anything.
There's a bigger picture you can't see.You don't have to change the world, just trust in me.'Cause I am your creator, I am working out my plan,And through you, I will show them, I Am the first, I Am the last,I Am the present and the past,I Am tomorrow and today,I Am the only way.
Great Lord, she said, I'm just a simple girl.You say that I will bring your son into the world.How can I understand this thing You're gonna do?It's not your problem, God replied.
'Cause, there's a bigger picture,And you don't have to change the world.I'm your creator, I am working out my plan.And through you, I will show them, There's a bigger picture, you can't see.You don't have to change the world, just trust in me.I'm your creator, I am working out my plan,And through you, I will show them, I Am.

Some friends and I are doing a Bible study about Esther (awesome study, highly recommend it, by Beth Moore). Did you know that the law in Persia at that time was that if anyone approached the king uninvited they were to be immediatly killed. Not they might be killed. They would be killed, unless the king extended his scepter, his mercy. There were guards standing by, axes at the ready to instantly dispose of anyone brave (or crazy) enough to step before the king. When Esther made the decision to go before her husband, it was not with the thought that she might die, it was with the hope that maybe, if GOD was willing, she might live. Talk about courage and trust. How does one get that kind of courage? Where does it come from? Did you know that the most common command in the Bible is some variation of 'fear not'? It amazes me that before HE spoke a single thing into being, HE knew that fear would be our greatest obstacle. Whether it is fear of being the victim of a crime, fear of losing a job, or fear of speaking in front of a crowd, fear is always an obstacle to something. We can't serve HIM if we are hiding in fear. If Moses had hidden in fear, he wouldn't have had the opportunity to lead his people to the promised land. If David had hidden in fear he wouldn't have conquered the giant. If Mary had hidden in fear, she wouldn't have held GOD in her arms. And if Esther had hidden in fear she would have perished as a Jewess. Oh sure, if they had refused, GOD would have found someone else to use; he gave us free will, but none of us are big enough to thwart HIS plans. GOD was there with them, offering them courage, and they chose to take it. They chose to participate in GOD's plan for HIS people, and because they did, HE used them in amazing ways. Because they chose not to hide in their fear, they were able to see GOD at work for HIS people. What a blessing!

Lord, please give me the courage to let YOU use me in YOUR plan. Please help me to 'fear not' and 'take courage'. Please help me see YOUR plan for my life and not hide in fear from it. In JESUS' name... Amen

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