A Journey of Faith

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry CHRISTmas!!

Merry Christmas!!!

About two thousand years ago, the creator GOD stepped down from HIS throne, and became a tiny baby. HE endured all the joys and trials of humanity, so that when we are on our knees before HIM, with all our joys and trials, HE can truely say 'I know, I feel your pain'. That tiny baby was our GOD, humbled and vulnerable, for us. For us! HE didn't have to do that, HE is all powerful, HE could have saved us without going thru all the difficulties of being us. But HE didn't. HE didn't take the easy way out, HE took the way that would mean the most to us. HE took the way that would allow us to see that HE really does understand. And HE did it all because HE wants us with HIM for eternity. It amazes me that HE has that much love for us, that HE, who created everything with HIS voice, would love me enough to step down from HIS throne, just to get closer to me. That the One who commands the world would love me so much that HE endured fear and brutality, rejection and pain, just to be assured that I would stand before HIM in Heaven someday. What a wonder.

LORD JESUS, Happy Birthday!! Thank YOU for coming closer to us, so that we can know Your love for us. Thank YOU for being willing to leave Heaven and become one of us, so that when we come before YOU, we can know for certain that you feel our pain, our joy, our fear, our humanity. Thank YOU for being the most amazing gift ever given. I love YOU!

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